Uncle Prince,
You not being here anylonger is going to take some getting used to. Everytime you’re here from home, it never fails. You’ll call me the following day ” Tokumboh, how you do? Ar reach ya yesterday en ar dae go back ×××××. How de family? How work? You mama dae do well” Everytime; you never failed to make that call.
You’ve served humanity, made countless number of friends and admirers all around the world in your line of duty. You loved and served your country with every fiber of your being.
You loved your immediate and extended families with your soul and everything you have. Your absence is going to be tough to deal with, but we’ve come to understand and accept that this is God’s will, and so it is.
May the good God forgive your mistakes, comfort your families and place you in perpetual light and peace.
RIP Uncle Prince.
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